Friday, November 1, 2024

Connective Tissue

  • Connective Tissue is also known as binding tissue because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues or organs of the body.

  • The connective tissues are most abundant and widely distributed in the body of complex animals.

  • The cells of the connective tissue secrete fibers of structural proteins called collagen or elastin.

  • But blood is an exception; in which no structural fiber is secreted.

  • The structural fibers provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.

  • The cells of the connective tissue also secrete modified polysaccharides. These polysaccharides accumulate between cells and fibers and act as a matrix (ground substances).

  • Ex: Cartilage, Bone, Blood, Areolar, Adipose and Tendons.Savinay Kumar JC

  • Types of Connective Tissue:

Based on their arrangement and function, connective tissue is divided into three types as follows;

  1. Loose Connective Tissue

  2. Dense Connective Tissue and

  3. Specialized Connective Tissue

1 Loose Connective Tissue:

  • Loose connective tissue has cells and fibers loosely arranged in a semi-fluid substance.

  • Examples for Loose Connective Tissue are as follows;Savinay Kumar JC

    • Areolar Tissue and

    • Adipose Tissue.

Ex 1: Areolar Tissue:

  • Areolar Tissue is a type of loose connective tissue, it is present beneath the skin and it supports the framework for epithelium.

  • It consists of Mucin (matrix/fluid), three types of fibers and five types of cells.

Note:Savinay Kumar JC

White Fibers = Collagen 1 Fibers

Yellow Fibers = Elastin Fibers

Reticular Fibers = Collagen 3 fibers

Extra Information:

  • White Fibers: It contains a greater proportion of white inelastic fibers. Function = mechanical strength.

  • Yellow Fibers: It is made up of elastic fibers. Function = Stretch without damaging tissue.

  • Reticular Fibers: It is made up of type 3 collagen.Savinay Kumar JC

Function = it acts as a supporting mesh in soft tissue.

  • Fibroblasts: They are large, flat, highly branched cells.

Function = secrete and maintain the fibers.

  • Plasma Cells: They are oval in shape, agranular cytoplasm and small nucleus. Function = produce clotting factor and antibodies.

  • Adipose: They are the fat filled cells. Function = provide energy to the body.

  • Macrophages: They are amoeboid in shape. Function = they defend and ingest (eating) the infectious microorganism.

  • Mast Cells: They are the large cells that have a spherical nucleus with granular cytoplasm.

Function = secretion of serotonin, heparin and histamine.

Ex 2: Adipose Tissue:

Adipose tissue is another type of loose connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin.

Functions:Savinay Kumar JC

  • The cells of this tissue are specialized to store fats.

  • The excess of nutrients which are not used immediately are converted into fats and are stored in this tissue.

2 Dense Connective Tissue:

  • It is made up of Fibers and Fibroblasts in their matrix.

  • Types of Dense Connective Tissue: Based on arrangement of white fibers and fibroblast cells, it is divided into two types as follows;

  • Dense Regular Connective Tissue and

  • Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

2.1 Dense Regular Connective Tissue:

  • Orientation of fibers and fibroblast shows a regular pattern called Dense Regular Connective Tissue.

  • Ex: Tendons (attach skeletal muscles to bones) and Ligaments (attach bones to other bones)

2.2 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue:

  • Orientation of fibers and fibroblast shows an irregular pattern called Dense Irregular Connective Tissue.

  • Ex: Present in the skin.

3 Specialized Connective Tissue:

  • The connective tissue, which performs  other than binding or linking or connecting. This kind of connective tissue is called specialized connective tissue.

  • Ex: Bone, Cartilage and Blood.

Difference between Cartilage and Bone:



It has a cell called chondrocytes.

It has a cell called osteocytes.

It is soft, elastic and flexible.

It is hard, inelastic and tough.

Its matrix is called chondrin.

Its  matrix is called ossein.

It has less calcium salt.

It has more calcium salts.

It is pliable.

It is a non pliable.

It is not rich in blood supply.

It is rich in blood supply.

It is present in the tip of the nose, outer ear, joints.

Complete body of chordate made of bones.


The Cartilage and bone cells are present in the spaces called lacunae. Cartilage and bone are both structural materials.

Blood:Savinay Kumar JC

  • It is a fluid connective tissue.

  • It contains plasma, blood cells and platelets.

  • Blood is the main circulating fluid which helps in transport of various substances.

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Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue is also known as binding tissue because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues or organs of th...