A. Charles Darwin C. Ernst Mayr
B. Francis Darwin D. Louis Pasteur
2. Identify incorrect statement:
A. The earliest systems of classification used only gross superficial morphological characters.
B. Linnaeus classification of plants was a natural classification as it was based on the androecium structure.
C. Artificial system gave equal weightage to vegetative and sexual characteristics.
D. Natural Classification Systems are based on natural affinity among organisms.
3. Why was Chlorella initially classified under the Plantae kingdom alongside Chlamydomonas in earlier taxonomic classifications?
A. Due to the presence of Photosynthetic pigments.
B. Due to the presence of Cell Wall.
C. They are autotropics.
D. All of the above.
4. Consider the characteristics of porifera:
A. Collared Cells called as choanocytes
B. Canal System with pores (ostia) in the body Wall.
C. Mineral Spicules
D. High Cellular mobility and totipotency
Which of these can be regarded as synapomorphies (primitive character still exists in higher organisms) of porifera?
5. Pneumatophores is a
A. Modified leaf C. Modified Stem
B. Modified Root D. Modified Branch
6. Meristematic cells are
A. Thin walled, isodiametric, nucleated and dense protoplasmic.
B. Thin walled, isodiametric, nucleated and less protoplasmic.
C. Thick walled, isodiametric, non-nucleated and dense protoplasmic.
D. Thick walled, anisodiametric, non-nucleated and less protoplasmic.
7. A mature female frog can lay how many eggs/ova?
A. 2000-2500 C. 2800-3200
B. 2500-3000 D. 3000-3500
8. Who first saw and described a living cell?
A. Robert Brown
B. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
C. Matthias Schleiden
D. Theodore Schwann
9. Identify the complex modified polysaccharides;
A. Chitin B. Inulin
C. Cellulose D. Glycogen
10. Meiosis has evolutionary significance because it results in
A. Genetically similar daughters
B. Four Daughter Cells
C. Production of Germ Cells
D. Recombinations
1 Ans: C,
2 Ans: B,
3 Ans: D,
4 Ans: A, Explanation
Because choanocytes can be observed even in protists. Where it acts like a primitive gut (digestive system).
5 Ans: B,
6 Ans: A,
7 Ans: B,
8 Ans: B,
9 Ans: A, Explanation
Chitin is made up N-acetylglucosamine monomer (it is a modified sugar) but Inulin, cellulose and Glycogen is made of Fructose, 𝜷 glucose and 𝛂 glucose monomer repeats respectively.
10 Ans: D
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